
mercredi 16 septembre 2015

Indian Barbie Doll (2nd Edition)

Barbie Indienne 2ème édition

Cette magnifique Barbie indienne porte un costume traditionnel, le sari, d'une riche couleur fuchsia, mise en valeur par un châle.
Ses accessoires comprennent des sandales dorées, de longues boucles d'oreilles ainsi qu'un anneau en guise de bague.
Sa chevelure épaisse et tressée ainsi que son maquillage distinctif font d'elle une classique beauté indienne.

Elle est sortie en 1996 dans la collection Dolls of the World.

barbie indian

barbie indian

barbie indian

barbie indian

Hello, I'm Indian Barbie. Welcome to my beautiful country! If you come to India you will see a rich mixture of the old and the new. On the one hand, we have wondrous monuments like the Taj Mahal (one of the wonders of the world!) wich is approximately 400 years old! On the other hand, we have technology that is taking us into the space age, too!
As your journey across India, you might think you are in different countries! People live very different lifestyles thoughout all of India. You will see people dressing, speaking, writing, and even eating differently!
Speaking of eating, the food is full of many differents flavors, like chilies and peppers as well as other spices that gives it unique and interesting tastes. Most people eat only vegetables and rice with chappattis (thin bread, a little like a pancake). We do not eat with knives and forks because we truly enjoy eating with our hands. We very delicately use our fingertips to eat our food. Mm-m!
There are many ways to travel though my country besides planes, trains, cars and taxis. There are rickshaws or tongas (carts pulled by a cow, buffalo, horse or a camel) to ride in. Or perhaps you would ride a motor bike or scooter!
For shopping, everyone goes to the bazaars (outdoor markets) where you can buy whatever you need. Some vendors have stalls where they sell things like clothing and jewelry. Others display baskets of many diffrent kinds of fruits and vegetables. It's very busy and there are lots of things to see!
In my country, we look forward to the monsoons (seasonal wind that blows over the Indian Ocean) when the rain will bring the temparatures down. Farmers especially appreciate the monsoons because they are esential for good crops. sometimes the monsoon brings too much rain and causes flooding or brings too little rain and causes a drought.
In the wintertime, India can be very cold, so we wear woolen hats and shawls to keep warm. In the summertime, most parts of the country are very hot and people prefer to wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes.
I am wearing a typical Indian sari, a two piece outfit - including my shawl! - that is said to enhance the beauty of the Indian woman! It comes in a variety of colors, textures and fabrics with thousands of designs to choose from! Would you like to come to India and try on a beautiful sari and golden slippers like mine? I hope you will come soon!

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