
jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Ghanian Barbie Doll

Barbie Ghanéenne

Visitons les déserts de l'Afrique avec cette Barbie Ghanéenne dans un costume traditionnel du Ghana, pays du continent ouest africain.

Elle porte une robe tunique authentique en tissu kenté, sa chevelure est ornée d'un turban aux couleurs vives et elle est chaussée de plates sandales dorées.
Des boucles d'oreilles d'or, un bracelet de jonc et un collier de coquillage ajoutent encore du charme à cette beauté africaine.

Elle fait partie de la collection Dolls of the World et est sortie en 1996.

barbie ghanian

barbie ghanian

barbie ghanian

barbie ghanian

barbie ghanian

barbie ghanian

Hello, I'm Ghanian Barbie, I'd like to tell you all about my wonderful homeland, Ghana! 
Situated on the coast in Western Africa, Ghana was once called the Gold Coast, but at our independance in 1957 was renamed Ghana, after an ancient African empire.
Ghana is a very beautiful country with lush forests in the west and many streams and rivers. We also have dry savannahs and plains. We have many animals you would like to see: elephants, leopards, buffalos, monkeys and more! Many of these animals are kept safe in game preserves, where people can see them!
The capital city of Ghana is Accra, with a population of over one million people! It is a busy coastal city where many people come to work and trade.
Handwoven cloth, called Kente cloth, is Ghana's most famous craft product. Its bright colors and patterns are woven by Ashanti tribe men, and are worn for special ceremonial occasions. We are also proud of our wood carving skills and we make many interesting masks for religious and native ceremonies.
English is the official language of Ghana but there are also nine Ghanian languages that people can use for official purposes!
Most Ghanians live in small groups of families where they can be close to their farmland. At meal times, everyone cooks together. One dish I really love is called fufu, made of boiled and mashed cassavas or yams. It is rolled into balls and dipped into a thick soup or stew. I think it's delicious!
Ghana is a wonderful country to include in your travels. Our country is lovely and filled with many things to see and do. I hope to see you soon! Goodbye!

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